Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The War of Women

Already a proud member of the mother of five, I thought it would be beneficial to join another group: "Women for the War on Women." Hoping you'll join me.

When Sandra Fluke argued that a Catholic University should pay for her birth control I was embarrassed for her and for the nation my daughters are living in. If sticking up for religious liberty, family values, innocent babies, traditional marriage, school choice, abstinence only, etc makes me part of a war on women, then so be it. If being against tax payer funded birth control is a war on women than sign me up.

Inquiring why my health insurance went up 300+ per month, I was told that it was the mandatory yearly check-ups for all of us and that my daughters, age 13 &15 were now (thanks to Obama Care) covered with maternity as part of our insurance. Really? When my husband and I planned our family we chose not to include maternity because simple math told us it was not beneficial. Now I'm paying for my daughters' maternity insurance? The smug agent replied "Well, you just never know". Well, I know a few things.

Maternity insurance is mega expensive. It is much cheaper to mandate the morning after pill and get rid of the need for that coverage. Caring for a disabled child is mega expensive. It is much cheaper to pass a bill to post birth abort a less than perfect baby. It's usually always about the money.

But then there's Rush.

Let's face it men cannot be the ones to articulate the absurdity of a Catholic college student making a case for the government to pay for her birth control, morning after pill, abortion or whatever. In doing so the most popular advertisement magnet lost seven sponsors almost overnight. (Good Luck with your quarterly reports by the way!) When things have gotten so low that even money doesn't talk, it's time to speak out or shut up and give up.

Sure Rush should have not used those insulting words. But maybe we should be asking ourselves why should he think for even a moment that he needed to? Maybe, just maybe, it is pretty darn difficult to get the attention of the masses without something outlandish being uttered. After all the brainwashing began many decades ago and we are facing the generation who think it is pliable to force taxpayers to pay for services that we feel are sinful, destructive, and even murderous. Remember, murder is on God's top ten list.

Real women do not get excited about participating in the destruction of our society. We are nurturers by nature. The majority of this nation are pro-life. Who are these women that Rush (or anyone else) is at war with? Not me!

When we moved to Kansas we found a Catholic OBGYN and had our last three children in a Catholic hospital. After having my baby at age 38 I inquired about more traditional birth control. I was surprised to find out that my Doctor would not prescribe it. He took the time to explain why stating the stats on increased STD's, breast cancer, how the pill works as an abortifacient, future infertility concerns etc. This was a well respected Doctor stating facts. Sure his religion would not permit it but he showed me why he would not offer birth control purely with medical facts.  He was professional in his explanation kind of like Santorum without the hate mail and stuff.

We should not be surprised that the organized left has such power to persuade advertisers from leaving Limbaugh. Remember what they did to the Komen Foundation when it decided not to pump funds into an organization that doesn't even provide mammograms for women?  The Komen Foundation is about Breast Cancer. Abortions increase the risk for breast cancer. Why should they pump hundreds of thousands per year into Planned Parenthood who is the biggest abortion provider in the country?

The newly resigned head of the Foundation, Karen Handel, said, "Planned Parenthood launched a vicious attack on a nonprofit organization that fights breast cancer,” ...  "They unleashed Armageddon on an organization for $680,000." 

Armageddon was released on Rush. What or who will be next?

The fact is the Komen Foundation received emails running 3 to 1 in support for the defunding, and within two days of the news, online donations were up 400 percent. There was great support for the decision; it was just drowned out by the strength in the area of social media.

Speaking about social media...

I recently tried to post a time clock on facebook which counts up how many abortions are performed in a single day or year. The link was immediately flagged as "harmful to your computer" as to stop folks from clicking. My computer wasn't harmed. The fact that 93 babies were killed in the few minutes it took to view the time clock was a bit harmful!

Zukerman is Obama's bud.

New York Magazine reported about the latest cozying up between Facebook and the White House. Obama's agenda and Zukerman's brilliance and personal information access is a match made in hell.

Just think about it for a moment. It doesn't matter how superior the republican nominee is he will be destroyed. He will be fighting against Obama's machine which includes almost every social media group and all of the main stream media - twisting, distorting, cheating, lying and laughing at anyone who comes in their way. As women maybe we should consider not letting them portray us as all on the same page.

We are not on the same page as Maddow. We are not even in the same library!

Though it looks pretty bleak in terms of getting truth out there with all the lies, distortion, and now orchestrated bombardment, my husband did remind me of a truth that cannot be misconstrued... in the end, we win! Until then every time a women speaks out for religious liberty it matters.

Real women, like real men, are not looking for a government hand out. We feel pride in raising our children the way we choose to raise them. We are capable of working our way to increase just like any man. We can and should stand up and proclaim proudly that we have God given and at the time of this writing American given rights to live our lives freely.

We do not want to pay for any ones birth control, not ever. We do not want to pay to have someone's child killed. It is our CHOICE not to pay for it! We do not want to sit back and watch Sarah Palin, Laura Ingram and Michelle Malkin and others get verbally abused and threatened because they do not suck up to the elite media and elite Hollywood.

Yes it is true that in the last days, good will be called evil and evil will be called good. What was once noble (to stand for one's beliefs) is now looked upon as strange and harmful. It is not that we are outnumbered but more like overshadowed. The left is much louder attempting to destroy anyone who voices a contrary opinion. However, still consistent voices for traditional, moral values will prove to be an essential element  in seeing our nation return to it's conservative roots. There are more of us!

Many more!

So join me on the war against the fabricated twisted view of what they want us to believe women are in this country. Women either too brainwashed to know better or too lazy to do anything about it.

I am so proud of Karen Handel. She didn't compromise her stand by resigning from the Komen Foundation. I am so proud of Patricia Heaton who had the guts to ask for her tweets to call Rush's advertisers to show support for him. Sure she had to suspend her twitter account due to the outlash of disgusting, horrific, threatening (I'm guessing here) responses to her twitter account. Thankfully, she's back on Twitter now.

What also is back is the voice of what has always been the heart of a woman. Protection of our children. Freedom for our nation. And the right to call wrong wrong. No matter what the consequences.

We don't need any man to speak for us.

Thanks anyway, we'll take it from here.


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