Monday, October 12, 2015

What Month Is This?

I just read a ridiculous article that got tens of thousands of shares on facebook. It was another recycled "Bash Pastors (usually successful ones) to lift some other Pastors up" article.

Everyone knows that putting down pastors is eye candy to the offended or envious. You can add to your flock & get loads of comments to boot. The problem is those same people who were sold on some other guy's superiority, namely you, will not be fooled forever. They might be dumb sheep but they're not that dumb.

Hey here's a thought:
Let's set aside one month where we honor the men of God. Where we don't worry that they don't do church your way; instead praise God for the good they are doing, the lives they are reaching, the mouths they are feeding, the seeds they are planting. BTW - bashing Pastors is so 90's. Haven't you heard that the body of Christ figured out we are on the same team! Get current man.

Lets spend our time spreading some good news like what's right with the church and what's right with Pastors.
How about a whole month of Pastor Appreciation? Every October. Every year.
Then you can spread your recruiting materials the next month. I'm sure it will be a big hit.

Tonight we buried a young pastor, who left a sweet and amazing wife, four children and a large ministry family. So I have no patience for divisive articles written by satan using losers. "Trump-esque" but true.

Only good things were said about this Pastor at the funeral tonight.  And guess what - the Pastor wasn't even a perfect Christian like you.

How about we don't wait till the men of God are dead to say nice things, believe the best, and give honor.

For one month let's stop bashing our own. Oh, they will still be bashed but just not by us.


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